Application :
Cable bag is flexible and light cable with PVC coating. Its conductor is made of copper. This cable is used in places where little mechanical pressure is applied and it is not allowed to use it at high temperatures.
The bag cable consists of two strands of wire. The insulation of the conductors is made of PVC material and the cable cover is also made of white PVC material. This cable is used in places where mechanical pressure is not high, to communicate electrical devices with electricity. Cable layers: Cu/PVC/PVC Cable structure: Conductor: Class 5 annealed copper (Afshan), according to national standard IEC 60227-5 IEC 60227 Insulation: PVC type D The color of the coating is white Coating material: PVC type ST5

ولتاژ نامی  :


استاندارد :

IEC 60227-5    60227 IEC 

 کد کابل :

ISIRI (607) 52

دامنه حرارتی :

معادل ۷۰ درجه سیلسیوس است .

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