Alborz Electric Noor Company (Linco) has been operating as one of the largest wire and cable manufacturing companies in the country,
and by using the most advanced technology, modern equipment, experienced and experienced personnel, it is committed to the following:
1- Customer orientation
We consider one of our important principles to be providing quality products, responding and honoring our respected customers.
2- Quality assurance:
The quality of manufactured products is one of the first priorities.
Using modern technical knowledge and high-quality raw materials to improve the quality of manufactured products.
3- supply of quality raw materials:
We consider ourselves committed to providing high-quality raw materials, the raw materials are inspected by the quality control team,
evaluated and tested in the laboratory, which ultimately makes us confident in guaranteeing the quality of the final product.
4- Full understanding and familiarity with the needs of respected customers
Understanding and getting to know the needs of respected customers and industrial projects and providing the best quality
services based on national and international standards.
5- Personnel training:
It is no secret that the first pillar in any activity is technical information and continuous training of employees and personnel,
which this company strives to continuously train its employees with a regular program.
6- Occupational safety and health:
Prevention of contamination, creating a safe and healthy work environment in order to prevent injuries and occupational diseases,
including eliminating risks, awareness and improving the health of personnel by conducting periodic examinations.
7- Environmental protection
Reducing adverse environmental consequences and moving towards pollution prevention and waste reduction
8- Integrity, honesty, trustworthiness and responsibility
The senior management of the company, with full belief in the responsibility and expertise of managers and employees, expects that all of them
will help the management in realizing the goals of this policy with their maximum scientific and specialized abilities