What is a smart cable (knx)?

1 year ago | articles

Today, with the advancement of technology in all areas of life, we have seen the entry and use of smart
tools and devices in buildings. From smart plugs to smart lamps, sensors and speakers, wireless technology,
lighting, heating, cooling and ventilation, security and door communication systems have received
attention in the last few years. Simple access to smart tools, price reduction and human desire for green buildings and energy saving
through home automation are also factors that accelerate this phenomenon.
KNX is a global standard for building control, which accounts for a large share of the building 
automation system market. One of the tools that follows this global standard is the KNX smart cable. KNX cables control all home and
building control functions through a central system without the need for additional centers and are a popular
choice for making buildings smarter. They are generally used for new installations, large-scale renovations,
or high-level communication needs of large buildings.

KNX wiring can be run alongside power cables or implemented around the building according to a predefined topology.
This cable consists of four strands of copper wire (two pairs twisted together) in red-black, white and yellow colors.
The red and black wires are used for signal transmission, and the yellow and white wires provide additional power
when needed, but not normally used. In order to prevent interference and noise, each pair is covered with aluminum foil and is responsible
for activating the communication between the actuator and the sensors.
Some features of KNX smart cable
9V tolerance range
Data transfer speed of 9600 bits per second
The maximum length allowed to use the smart cable is 100 meters
Advantages of using KNX cables
Easy installation
Low operating costs
High data transfer speed
Saving time
Ability to connect multiple devices to each other

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