national summit of the excellent management award

7 months ago | Linco news

Hello and courtesy
Improving the level of knowledge and familiarity with the latest technologies of the world has always been 
one of the main concerns of the management of Linko's wire and cable collection. Accordingly, participating in national conferences, exhibitions and summits is an integral part
of the regular plans of the esteemed Linko management. The most recent conference in which our group
had the honor to attend was the national summit of the excellent management badge with
a social responsibility approach.

This ceremony was held on December 22nd at the conference venue of the Broadcasting Organization. The presence of honorable
guests and distinguished professors such as Dr. Bahmani, the former president of the Central Bank of Iran, Dr. Bagheri,
the vice president of International Women's Affairs of Iran, and several other national officials adorned the ceremony.

Dr. Meisham Shafiei, associate professor and faculty member of Tehran University and lecturer of marketing and
business, in his speech, pointed out the importance of mindset, skill building and knowledge acquisition,
and stated that the mission of academic education is to transfer knowledge, the focus of industry is to develop.
The main skill and purpose of the conferences is to create a correct and principled attitude for the issues and
challenges ahead. He pointed out that the purpose of these conferences is to strengthen awareness and
create a systematic approach and mindset.
In addition, Seyed Abdul Majid Zawari, Ph.D. in International Relations and Director of the International 
Think Tank emphasized
the comprehensive impact of artificial intelligence on all aspects of life, including industry, and the
need to use it to develop business and remain in the global business world. At the end of the meeting, Linko Wire and Cable was praised as an exemplary company.
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