What is the difference between wire and cable?

10 months ago | articles

What is the difference between wire and cable?
In this article, we will examine the difference between wire and cable. In the fields of electrical and communication 
engineering, as well as construction industries, the terms "wire" and "cable" are often seen. However, people usually
confuse these two words with each other, and in their minds, wire and cable are similar, but in fact, they have many
structural and functional differences.
We have a lot of electrical wires and cables in our home, but when people ask us what are the 
two main differences
between wires and cables, we often don't have the right information. If you want to use electrical
wires or cables effectively to make electrical connections in your home, it's important to have a good
understanding of them. If you don't have any knowledge about it, you will end up getting the wrong product
Wires and cables play an important role in your daily life. They are commonly used in electrical 
and communication equipment. Actually, wire and cable are not comparable at all. Wires and cables
are widely used in the electrical industry and their main purpose is to transmit electrical
current from one place to another.

What is wire?
Melting jewelry, ironing clothes, moving cars or any industrial parts such as pins, lamps and needles require
the use of wires due to the need to transmit electric current, support electrical loads, send
telecommunication signals and carry electrical loads.
A wire is defined as an electrical conductor, while a cable is defined as a group of individually insulated wires 
(conductors) enclosed together in a sheath. In the following paragraphs, the distinction between wire and cable
will be discussed in more detail. The part of the wire or cable that conducts the current of electricity is in
the sheath, which is a non-conductive material with protective properties. Even though wire is an excellent
conductor, it still has the potential to exhibit some resistance. Copper, gold, and aluminum are just a few
of the materials that may be used in the production of wire and cable. Different resistances are shown by each
of the materials. If two wires are made of the same material, but one is thicker than the other,
the thicker wire will have less resistance.
Some of the National Electrical Code (NEC) standards are listed below:
Insulating material made of thermoplastic
High temperature resistance
High heat resistance (up to 194 degrees Fahrenheit).
W - designed for use in wet environments
N - coating made of nylon resistant to the effects of oil and gas
X is a synthetic polymer that is resistant to flames.
What is a cable?
Cable As mentioned earlier, the cable consists of a set of insulated wires wrapped in a casing. In most cases,
a cable will have at least one hot wire, one neutral wire, and one earth wire. A hot wire is a wire that
carries current. Cable classification is determined based on the number of wires it contains, as well as
the size and gauge of those wires. Cables are identified by a string of letters followed by a number,
a dash, and another number. The names provide information about the type of insulation.
The first number indicates the resistance of the wires inside the cable. The number after the dash
indicates the total number of individual conductors in the cable. If after the final number one
If G appears, this indicates that the cable has an extra wire that does not carry current and acts as ground.
AC power cables are used to transfer current and voltage from a household power source to an electronic device,
usually an AC to DC power supply, in a safe and reliable manner. Individually insulated conductors are enclosed
in a protective outer covering that is more durable and equipped with connectors at one or both ends.
Color Codes Assigned to Cables Using the color coding system for cable insulation, it can be determined
whether the cable insulation is active, neutral or earth conductor. The NEC (National Electrical Code)
does not provide any color recommendations. It is very important to be aware of the cable color coding
standards that exist in your location. Cable color coding standards vary by country or region.
Different forms that power cables can have:
Twisted pair cable: A cable consisting of two cables that are twisted together and form a single unit
is called a twisted pair cable. Since this winding can reduce the noise caused by magnetic coupling,
it is used in the transmission of signals. Data transmission and telephony are two of the most common
uses of twisted pair cable. Multi-conductor cable: This type of cable contains two or more insulated conductors,
and the main task of these conductors is to maintain signal integrity.
Coaxial cable: Coaxial cable and network consists of an inner conductor covered by insulating layers
and surrounded by a parallel outer foil conductor that is also protected by insulating layers.
The insulating dielectric material acts as a barrier between the two conductors of the cable and
prevents leakage of electric current between them. Due to the fact that its performance is more
consistent than twisted pair cable, these cables are often used in TV cables.
Fiber optic cable: Signals are sent through a set of glass strands in a fiber optic cable,
which has a wider bandwidth compared to metal conductors. This shows that fiber optic cables are able to
transmit more information and data than metal conductors. As a result of this logic, fiber optic cables
are used instead of conventional copper cables.

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